
Unusual Scholarships for Twins – Siblings & Multiples

Scholarships for Twins

College costs a great deal of money and for parents of twins, the cost may be completely out of reach. This is why it is important for those parents to learn about some unusual scholarships for twins, siblings & multiples. Twins have numerous scholarship opportunities that other people simply are not eligible for. This means that the only other competition for these college twin scholarships is other sets of twins. This substancially narrows the competition down.

Start by considering colleges that offer special rates for twins – more commonly referred to as scholarships for multiple students or scholarships for siblings within the same family. While these are not really college scholarships for twins, these programs can lower the cost of the total tuition for twins by anywhere from $500 to $2000 – which is about the same as winning a twin scholarship. Schools that offer these special tuition programs include Wilson College, Sterling College, Morris Brown College, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Randolph-Macon Women’s College, Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College, George Washington University, Carl Albert College, and Lake Erie College.

Some colleges will even offer a discount of 50% for one of the twins, if both are attending the same college (just as good as scholarships for twins or multiple students or scholarships for siblings). This is a huge savings, and one that should definitely be considered when selecting the college that you will attend. Usually, the colleges that make this type of offer will be smaller schools, as opposed to larger state universities. Some colleges will offer free or discounted housing to one or both twins instead of offering a reduction in tuition. Make sure that you call the colleges that you are considering to find out what is offered to twins in the way of college tuition and housing.

Some colleges also offer unusual scholarships for twins, based on academic merit. In this instance, you must attend a specific college, be a twin, and have excellent grades or other merits. In some cases, only one twin has to be attending the school in order to be eligible, and in other cases both twins must attend, and both twins must be eligible in order to apply.

A few colleges offer unfamiliar college scholarships for twins and/or multiples. Parents of twins must be happy with this sibling scholarship because they can get a (2) for (2) on this multiples scholarship program. Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti Michigan is one such college which does offer scholarships for twins. Known as a college which produces great teachers, their twin scholarship is called The Furlotte Twins Endowed Scholarship.

If you are a parent of twins, make sure that you join as many organizations designed for parents of multiples as possible. Many of these organizations have twin college scholarship opportunities, and these awards are typically made to members – or the twins of members. The Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. is one example of a club that offers these unique scholarships for twins. Most states have a Mothers of Twins or Mothers of Multiples Club.

Naturally, you must realize that the number of twin scholarships that are available specifically for twins are very few – and this makes them very competitive, since there are many sets of twins in the world. What this means is that first, you need to be a top runner for these awards by showing that you have what it takes academically and that you have contributed to your community in a positive way, through civic activities. Additionally, it is wise to apply for all of the financial assistance that you can get, and for each twin to apply for as many scholarships and grants that they may be eligible for such as Federal Pell Grants, Federal Work Study (FWS) Programs or FSEOG Grants, instead of just depending on these unusual scholarships for twins, siblings and multiple student discounts.

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