American Fire Sprinkler Association AFSA Scholarship is Easy to Win

AFSA Scholarship
AFSA Scholarship

If your looking for an easy scholarship, look closely at the American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Scholarship. The AFSA organization isn’t just about sprinklers. The organization and the AFSA scholarship program are much more important than that. The American Fire Sprinkler Association is a non-profit organization that operates on the international level, promoting education, research, and more to members concerning the importance of fitting buildings with fire sprinklers.

The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) Scholarship and AFSA organization were established in 1981. Today, more than 750 individuals and companies are members of the AFSA around the world. The belief of the AFSA is that fire sprinklers save both lives and property – to the tune of billions of dollars each year. The AFSA also works with numerous government agencies to help increase fire safety awareness.

The easy to win AFSA scholarship program is intended to increase awareness even further, and this is how it differs from other types of scholarships. Ten winners are awarded these easy scholarships each year, but those winners are selected by random drawing – not by academic achievements, community service, or any other factor. A simple scholarship drawing is conducted.

In order to enter the drawing, you must read the Fire Sprinkler Essay, provided by the AFSA scholarship website and then take a test. There are ten multiple questions on the test, and it’s even an open book test. For each question that is correctly answered, you will receive one entry for the AFSA scholarship drawing. For example, if you answer all ten questions correctly, your name will be entered into the fire sprinkler scholarship drawing ten times. You may only take the test once.

It is important to understand that even though you have ten entries, even if your name is drawn more than once, you will still only win one of the ten available sprinkler scholarships. The American Sprinkler Association Scholarship is a $2000 award, and if you are a winner, the funds are sent directly to your college or university to help pay for your tuition and books.

Aside from taking the Fire Sprinkler Essay test, you must also be a high school senior at the time that you take the test, and you must be a citizen of the United States, or a legal resident of the United States. If you are a winner, you must enroll in college for the following fall semester after high school, although you could also enroll in summer classes before fall as well. If you have been home schooled, you must be able to prove that you had a course of study that is the same as a high school senior. The AFSA scholarship contest deadline is May 3rd, 2010.

Also important to note; make sure that all information that you put on your application will be verified to ensure that the information is true and correct – but that information is not used to select a winner, and financial need is also not considered.

Finally; if you are one of the ten winners of the American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship, you will need to supply additional information to the AFSA so that funds can be released to your school. Of all of the easy scholarships that are available, the AFSA scholarship has to be the easiest to apply for – and possibly the easiest to win, depending on how many entries there is each year.

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