Unusual Unclaimed College Scholarships for Nursing

nursing scholarships

A free education with college scholarships for nursing would be perfect if you are thinking about this as your major. There are many  scholarships for nursing students such as the HRSA nursing scholarship which is based on financial need; and also many minority nursing scholarships. One such award is sponsored through the National Black Nurses Association. This award is known as the Mayo Foundations Scholarship.

There is a unusual nurse scholarship called the William R. Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship. Money is available for students in nursing and other baccalaureate programs. Applicants must have an amateur radio operator’s license to qualify.
I bet not too many students who are thinking about a nurse practitioner scholarship would ever know this. I don’t think this scholarship would ever go unclaimed because it’s only awarded to one individual and financial need must be present. Don’t let this discourage you. Most people would not try because there is only one given out, but this could be you. This is why there are many scholarships which go unclaimed. People simply don’t know about them or they do not try.
A nice award is the Tylenol Scholarship Fund for Medical Students. It’s very generous on the size of the award. If your thinking about nursing sholorships, don’t pass this one up. The qualifications would be easy if you want to major in nursing.


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One Reply to “Unusual Unclaimed College Scholarships for Nursing”

  1. admin

    Some unusual poetry for scholarships for graduate students exist today, which allow making scholarships for graduate students a little easier today. If you’re a graduate student trying to find these unusual scholarships for college, you’ve probably already learned that it’s a lot harder to find tuition scholarships for your graduate degree than it was for your undergraduate education. While finding these college graduate scholarships is harder, they do exist and are by no means impossible to find – you just have to know where to look. Here is one poetry scholarship designed especially for students just like you!
    Naropa University, located in Boulder, Colorado, also offers poetry scholarships for graduate students pursuing a Master of Fine Arts Degree. The Ted Berrigan Scholarship is offered to one student in the second year of his or her Master Degree program. The amount of this unusual scholarship for college is sufficient to cover the cost of tuition during the student’s Summer Writing Program.

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