Universal Girl Scout Scholarships are Unknown

Girl Scout Scholarships
Girl Scout Scholarships

There are many colleges and universities which offer Girl Scout Scholarships, but are college specific; meaning you must attend that particular college to receive their unknown scholarship for Girl scouts. The best course of action to secure a Girl scout scholarship if you are interested in attending a particular college or university is to call their financial aids office and ask them if they offer scholarships for Girl scouts which you can apply to.

If you’re a senior still attending high school, speak to your personal counselor about their knowledge of Girl scouts scholarships that you can look into. Keep in mind that you may be able to uncover more than they do by contacting individual colleges and universities on your own. Many colleges may have scholarships not specifically labeled as a Girl scout scholarship, but it may fall under the umbrella of a high achievers award that you can apply to and receive scholarship money. Remember, colleges love high achievers; which being a Girl scout clearly has exhibited, and they will go out of their way to find some sort of scholarship for a high achieving Girl scout because they value these types of students & want them attending their school.

That being said, we will discuss a few unknown top Girl scout scholarships which are universal in nature; meaning you can receive their universal scholarship money and choose to attend any college of your choice. This will appeal to a broader audience of students because many want to attend a few colleges they already have in mind. We will condense the information down to make it as simple to understand as possible with links to their respective Girl scout scholarship sites for more detailed information and to apply.

Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
This is the largest youth recognition program in the US today and is exclusively based on volunteer community service. Any young person who is in grades 5-12 can apply. (10) National Honorees are chosen by a panel of prominent public figures and awarded a $5,000 Scout scholarship. Local Honorees (2 from each state – one from a middle level school and one from a high school) are selected from each state and receive $1,000 in scholarships. Also, winners receive an all paid expense trip with a parent/guardian to Washington, D.C. for the national recognition presentation for all winners. Each September the program year starts with November 2nd being the last day to apply online. For questions call (888) 450-9961. Go to Prudential Spirit of Community Scholarships for Girl scouts to apply and for more details.

The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting Scholarship
The winners of these Girl scouting scholarships will have exhibited their participation in their Scouting, school, and community, scholastic achievements and church. To be eligible, candidates must be a registered active member of Girl Scouts and having earned a Girl Scout Gold Award, a member of an Eastern Orthodox Church and have received the Alpha Omega Religious Scout Award. Must be presently attending an accredited high school as a senior. The Eastern Orthodox Scouting Scholarship Committee awards (2) scholarships. First place winners receive $1,000 & runner-up $500. You must be officially committed in attending a (4) year accredited college/university of your choice. Just recently the Russian Children’s Welfare Society, Inc, has included a scholarship for $1,000 for a Scout who is Russian descent & qualifies with the above criteria. Three national scholarships for Girl scouts who best meet the qualifications above, will also be given by the Eastern Orthodox Church in addition to the above. Deadline by May 1st of each year. Contact below for questions.

Chairman George N. Boulukos
862 Guy Lombardo Avenue
Freeport, New York 11520
(518) 868-4050

Corinne Jeannine Schillings Foundation Scholarship for Girl Scouts
Winners of these Girl scout scholarships go to women who have earned the Girl Scout Gold or Silver Award and whom will be studying a foreign language. You can renew this scholarship yearly. Also; a separate grant is awarded to a Silver or Gold Award Girl Scout who will be studying overseas with a field of their choosing. This is for airfare only. Go to Corinne Jeannine Schillings Scholarships for Girl scouts. For more questions call 708-957-3684 or 630-886-0507. Email – dschillings@cjsfoundation.org.

American Legion Auxiliary Girl Scout Achievement Scholarship
Girl Scout Gold Award recipients only. Active religious member of choice & must have been awarded the Cadet or Senior Scout level. Must show strong involvement as a citizen in her religious institution, school, Girl Scouting and community. One recommendation letter from one of the following: church, school, community or her Scouting group. Deadline is April 1st. Must write a (500) word essay about your Gold Award project. For more go to American Legion Auxiliary Girl Scout Achievement Scholarship.

The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Girl scouts are top candidates for these awards which honor young girls who have made a difference in the community through public service. You must be nominated by adults who are not related but who know all about the accomplishments & achievements of the Girl scouts work. Annually, (10) winners nationwide are honored with a $2,000 award for furthering their education or their service work. Every year there has always been one Girl scout amongst the winners. April 30th deadline. Contact info below.

Barbara Ann Richman, Executive Director
The Barron Prize
545 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302



Rising Stars Scholarship for Girl Scouts
If you’re a Girl scout and you love learning about math, then you must apply to this scout scholarship fast. A $2,500 yearly Girl scout scholarship is presented to 1 – 4 applicants. You can keep on receiving this yearly up to (4) years too for a total of $10,000! Along with the winners, (6) runner ups are also given acknowledgement by being mentored by a major university and/or corporation to assist them in becoming future leaders & role models in math for other Girl scouts and other girls too. The criteria on who can apply for the Rising Stars Scholarship for Girl scouts are: you must be a registered Girl scout who will be graduating high school and who will be majoring in either mathematics or physic in college. Leadership and community service must be exhibited and academic achievement must be shown by the studying of accelerated math classes in high school. Strong SAT,SAT II scores and GPA are also considered. Go to Rising Star Scholarships for Girl scouts for more details.

With the above top unknown Girl scouts scholarships being universal, you can easily go directly to their respective sites and apply to them to see which ones are right for you. If you have a handful of colleges in mind you most want to attend to find top unknown scholarships for Girl scouts; then you can start by calling directly the colleges you are most interested in. You will uncover more than you think this way. Girl scouts know how to tackle projects and this should be treated as a top priority project because it will pay you monies to attend college when you are awarded a scout scholarship. Go for another ‘Gold Award’. It should be worth all the effort you put into it. The more you put into it (more colleges called) the more you will certainly get back.

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