Some Unusual and Weird Scholarships that are Uncommon

Unusual schools have the uncommon scholarships

Many college scholarships go unclaimed because people don’t know about them.  College Students graduating from high school, as well as adults considering new career alternatives, face the reality that a high school diploma just isn’t sufficient most of the time to secure a job with a good income. For this reason, more people are deciding to attend college or obtain post-secondary degrees and certificates than in previous years. One of the drawbacks with this increased interest in education is that the cost of college tuition continues to rise each year. This is why many people need scholarships to meet the expenses of tuition, textbooks, and living while obtaining a degree.

Weird scholarships go unclaimed every year because they are so uncommon
Many scholarships are available, but the competition for many of the more well-known scholarships is quite fierce. This is the motivation many people are looking carefully to find unusual scholarships to meet their expenses. Before the wealth of information offered by the internet, individuals searched through pages of scholarships or relied on the word of mouth supplied by vocation, guidance, and financial aid counselors. Today, however, an internet search will reveal many interesting and unusual scholarships that are not often considered by many college students.

For example, the American Sheep Industry Association offers a scholarship at Philadelphia University to four students each year. This scholarship requires students to submit a specimen of clothing designed by them that is created entirely out of wool. This scholarship, named the Bernard Steur Scholarship, is offered to textile engineering students who possess an interest in knitting.

Skateboard scholarships for college students                          Skateboard scholarships are Unknown
Another unusual scholarship offered to students with unusual skills is the Patrick Kerr Skateboard Scholarship. Students who wish to be awarded this scholarship submit an essay describing how skateboarding has positively impacted their lives. This scholarship, which may be used at the school of the student’s choice, offers an award of $5,000 to one student, and $1,000 each to three other students. This award is limited to students who desire to pursue a college education on a full-time basis.

Unclaimed Scholarship for the name Zolp
While particular skills may increase a student’s chances of obtaining a scholarship, some awards are based solely on the identity of the individual applying. For example, the University of Loyola in Chicago has an endowment that provides the full cost of tuition for four years of education to any Catholic student with the surname Zolp. One condition that must be fulfilled, however, is that the surname must appear on both the student’s birth and confirmation records.
This scholarship is the “Stuck at the Prom” award offered by Duck Brand Duct Tape
Although a name often defines a person’s identity, another unusual scholarship takes advantage of the old adage that “clothes make the man (student).” This scholarship, the “Stuck at the Prom” award offered by Duck Brand Duct Tape, provides educational expenses to student couples who are courageous enough to appear at the prom wearing costumes created entirely from Duck Tape. These brave couples are eligible for up to $2,500 each in tuition expenses. 
 Looking for weird strange scholarships
Many other unusual and weird scholarships are available to those individuals who make the effort, and invest the time, to seek and pursue them. This is only a small sampling of the wealthy of educational dollars that go unclaimed each year because people are unaware of them and do not pursue them. So before giving up on a college education because you don’t feel qualified for traditional scholarships, or possess an extremely competitive GPA, consider using your unique skills and talents to locate some unusual, creative scholarships that work for you.

Weird Scholarships for Gays by National Gay Pilots Association NGPA

Earn a Unusual Woodworking Scholarship and go to Woodworking School.

Read on How to Find a Student Loan scholarship.

7 Replies to “Some Unusual and Weird Scholarships that are Uncommon”

  1. admin


    you must go directly to the sponsor of the scholarships website to apply. We normally provide a link in the article if they do not change their URL link every year (which most do), but if there is no link you must search for it on Google – MSN or other search engines.

  2. cameron platt

    I am trying to find scholarship/grants sites to help me pay for my upcoming classes for PTA. I am unemployed and trying to start my life with a great career. I would appreciate anything type of information that you could send to me.
    Thanks for your time,
    Cameron Platt

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