Pay for School with Unusual Scholarships

Pay for School with Unusual Scholarships!

College money is not impossible to obtain if a student is willing to look for it and then follow through to claim it. Tons of unique and unusual scholarships exist that are just waiting for someone to come along and take it. Almost anything that you do to make your life exciting and unique could qualify you for free money. Nearly any unique trait or ability you have could put you in the running for a paid education through unusual scholorships.

Pay for School with Unusual Scholarships 

Pay for School with Unusual Scholarships!

Remember when they told you that one strange skill or interest would never get you anywhere in life?

Well now it can! There are numerous unusual scholarships out there just for you!

 Unusual and unknown college scholarships

Some of the more unusual scholarships awarded include those for particular heights, such as the Tall Clubs International scholarship, particular abilities, even duck calling, and even the ability to predict the future! Despite the off beat nature of some hobbies, nearly any hobby thinkable qualifies a person for some type of scholarship. Many family groups and heritage clubs also offer unusual scholarships based on surnames, bloodlines or marriage. All ethic groups offer one type of scholarship or another.  Do you write science fiction? Do you have a particular last name? Did you great-great grandfather take part in the writing of a new law? Are you the daughter of a US Navy Submariner based in Hawaii? There’s a scholarship out there just for you!

 Unusual grants from unusual Colleges

Unusual scholarships make up a large portion of scholarship money offered each year. More often than not, these scholarships have very little competition and sometimes none at all. Many of these scholarships are never claimed as many people simply never thought they could get college money for their own little niche in life. To the contrary, unusual scholarships prove that cookie cutter students are no longer the norm. Individualism has become an important part of our culture. Unique traits and skills make each individual special in their own way, paving the way for many unusual scholarships. So many people let their skills and abilities lay idle as they pursue the good life through a higher education. Instead, why not go ahead and use that crazy skill or interest to pay for your education?

 Unusual awards for unusual Majors

What is your skill? Can you do something that very few people can? Want to learn how to put your unique skills to work for you in paying for your college education? There are literally millions of scholarship opportunities for students with all kinds of backgrounds and interests.

 Unusual schools have the uncommon scholarships

These are not loans, but absolutely free money that can be used to pay for college tuition, books and even living expenses. Unfortunately, tons of this money goes unclaimed as many of these scholarships are very unusual and thus most students either don’t know they exist or don’t think to search for them.

 Unique Scholarships include being tall

No longer do scholarship recipients need to be at the top of their class, being the tallest in the class qualifies them for free college money!

More on how to do a student loan scholarship search.

22 Replies to “Pay for School with Unusual Scholarships”

  1. Theresa Helstein

    My son trying to raise the money to trave with people to people. He is 11 years old and has his heart set on traveling to england and france. His father and I give him as much money as we can but we are struggling rigjt now but we want our son to make his dream come true a scholarship to expand his knowledge of tje world. He has a speach impairment and this experience has boosted his spiritsso much. As his mother Ive seen a change in his everything just the thought of traveling abroad.

  2. adri

    no offence to you theresa,but ive gotten 3 of those letters from people to people /student ambassadors letters once in 4th grade, once in 6th and once in 9th and it turned out to pretty much be a scam :/

  3. Donald

    Hello. I am called Donald from northern Uganda
    I have got a grant from WHO – TDR
    to support African scientist to study research programs in “neglected tropical diseases of the poor in developing countries”.
    I have been given offer to study at University of Salford – UK to pursue Msc Environmental and Public Health.
    The grant only covers my tuition and money for my thesis. The course will start in Jan 2015.
    My daunting task is my living cost which is estimated to be British pound
    8000, for the two years of studies. Worse still the UK government needs to see that value in my account before issuing for me tier 4 VISA.
    I AM DESPARATELY IN NEED OF FINANCIAL AID such that I cannot miss this golden chance in changing my life and the people I shall serve after my masters studies.
    Kindly anybody/bodies there help me in my dare situation.

    See below references are proof of my above statements and feel free to contact these offices.

  4. Lisa lee

    I’m looking for a scholarship to help my son who can no longer apply for football or wrestling scholarship due to football injury he is very interested in science an biology

  5. Thea

    I have 4 children, triplets plus one older sibling. The older one is in high school and the triplets are in middle school. Do you know of any scholarships specifically for triplets? And what should I be doing at this time to prepare for the costs of college? Thanks for your help!

  6. admin


    go to mom scholarships and apply to those you may qualify for. If you have a question about qualifying, send an email to the scholarship sponsor via their contact page. There are many awards on this website that you should qualify for – but you must take the time to apply to them.

  7. Virginia

    My name is Virginia from kenya am a single mother of two,my son passed his exams very well and joined a catholic secondary school this year the school fees is very high for me keeping in mind that the other kid is still in school and i have to pay the bills and food,i have a small business,how can my son get a scholarship?,he is so hardworking and determined.

  8. Patricia Sanders

    I am a 59 year old woman who had to retire from elementary education early due to muscular dystrophy. My disability income is barely enough for my husband and I to survive and I fear not sustainable. I want to attend the University of Colorado and receive my MFA (creative writing program). I have written two short stories and have a desire to improve by applying to and attending a graduate program. My hope is to some day make money writing and get off disability. Patricia in Denver

  9. Thea Ellenberg

    Dear Admin, this is Thea that wrote back in January. I’m the one with triplets + one. I was not asking about scholarships for myself. I was asking about scholarships for my triplets. Do you know of any? Thanks!

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