Most Government Scholarships are Unique

The image of what a standard scholarship represents in the United States is typically idealized in the image of a private foundation or group offering money based on merit for various students with differing eligibility requirements. Many students may be surprised to find that unique government scholarships and grants are also available, though they tend to represent a smaller total of the overall little known about scholarship pool. These federal government scholarships which are normally offered on a competitive basis are often given out by individual departments or groups at the federal level. It is very common for these government college scholarships to be offered to graduate students, but there are also some programs available to undergraduates as well. The reason that these programs are often given out to specifically graduate students relates to the fact that the US government is often interested in encouraging specialized development for individuals who may be interested in employment with the government after graduation. As these are often awarded on a competitive basis, students interested in government scholarships should be prepared to present themselves in the best light possible, scoring high in academic material and, especially for graduate students, be able to present a clear idea of their overall academic goals.
Since these unheard about government scholarships for students are given out by individual departments at the federal level, students should be able to identify potential sources of funding by being able to identify their career interests. For instance, those interested atmospheric or oceanic sciences should look at the national oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for access to gov scholarships which may apply to them.
Considering NOAA, students interested in a government scholarship which focuses on atmospheric or oceanic sciences should be pleased to know that the annual Ernest F. Hollings scholarship returns in 2011. Unlike many federal government scholarships, the Ernest F Hollings program is available primarily to undergraduates. An exceptional program, this fed gov scholarship gave out over 100 awards in 2010 of up to $8,000 as well as making available internships for interested students at NOAA during breaks from school. In order to be eligible for this government scholarship an applicant must be an US citizen while maintaining a full-time status at an accredited university in the US. The cumulative grade point average for all completed courses must be at a minimum 3.0 and all applicants must be majoring in a program related to atmospheric or oceanic studies. Applications for this program are made available on October 1 of every year and the deadline for all materials is February 4.
An excellent government scholarship for college through the Department of Homeland Security exists for students who are interested in studying a field related to the DHS’s related fields of studies. Broadly speaking these fields can include agricultural sciences, mathematics, life sciences, physical sciences, psychology, social sciences, computer sciences and engineering. Amongst these fields are specific courses or subjects which the DHS requires students to be pursuing in their studies. As a result, when applying for this unique gov scholarship, students should look over these eligibility requirements very carefully. The DHS offers government scholarships at the undergraduate level providing the full cost of tuition and related fees while also giving a $1,000 a month stipend during the school year and an additional $5,000 during a mandatory 10 week internship. In order to be eligible for the DHS government scholarship program students must be an US citizen and working towards as bachelor’s degree. All applicants must have a 3.0 GPA at a minimum while also maintaining this throughout the course of them receiving the scholarship. Applicants must be in their second or third year of studies and be available to attend the 10 week summer internship.
Another Security scholarship for students interested in US security and plan on getting into this field in college consider of the Lint Center for National Security Studies Scholarship Program. This is not a government sponsored program but deserves mentioning because it’s so closely related. It’s intent is to create awareness of national security so as to attract more young people to an occupation in national security. The center works to provide educational opportunities for those who want careers in security which also includes counterintelligence.
One of the nice things about this program is that those students who win an award will receive the financial benefits from the program for two years. Like bursaries common in other countries, students who win a DHS government scholarship will be required to work for at least one year at Homeland Security after graduation. All materials must be submitted to this program no later than January 12.
Looking for a government scolarship for study international.
Kingsford Safamo
go to Benjamin Gilman Scholarship Program and the Fulbright Scholarship.
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Or if I could start studying in the university of bordeaux, could I be accepted for a second year in Canada?
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read up on Canadian bursaries and Canadian scholarships and scholarships for undocumented students.
Would like to find out about scholarships for someone who is HIV positive, Federal Disabiled, and who has documented mental illness. The individual also is attempting an MPH and is seeking education to become an HIV Specialist to serve HIV patients. Start date of MPH program is Fall 2012. Thank you.
read more at HIV scholarships, learning scholarships and schizophrenia scholarships.
I am Iyasu from Ethiopia and Economics teacher in woldia University. how can I get postgraduate scholarship in developmental or Agricultural Economics.
apply to scholarships, as many as you can to see if you can qualify. That’s the only way…