More Unclaimed Scholarships from Easy Site Sources

Scholarships Easy
More Unclaimed Scholarships from Easy Site Sources

Look for the unclaimed scholarships from the easy site sources. Many college websites have their own outside sources of easy scholarships for them to apply and get. They have them there because they know many students don’t know about them and they have a better then average chance of winning – that’s why they put them there.

They are non-main stream low profile easier scholarships that receive a below normal applicant pool – so apply to them!

Lots of unclaimed scholarships if you search for them!

Here they are!

ASCO Numatics Scholarship

Although merit based, applicants will be selected on leadership, and also what contribution to the engineering field they’ve made with emphasis on fluid control and fluid power technologies. Students must be a have completed sophomore status, or enrolled in a graduate program at application time. If you win it’s just about an automatic ASCO Numatics internship to go along with it too – not bad!

Two $5,000 easy scholarships are awarded to U.S. engineering students who are pursuing careers in industrial automation-related fields.

To go along with it ASCO will also give $1,000 to the engineering departments of the colleges to which the winners are currently enrolled.

You can win this award only once.

For those of you wondering what ASCO is all about; they make fluid & Numatics control products together with fluid power products. Together; ASCO can offer comprehensive fluid automation solutions. There products are vast in numbers and all industries use them so they can make their own products themselves.

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Scholarships

The CBCF’s mission is to “advance the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public”.

For 3 decades the CBCF has presented unclaimed scholarships at a clip of 200 per year too – that’s pretty good! If you win one you must have leadership ability, community service and academic qualities; but need based awards are available too.

Current college, as well as upcoming students can apply. All fields of study are welcomed.

CBCF General Mills Health Scholarship – February 28th deadline & $2,000 award.

CBC Spouses Visual Arts Scholarship – April 29th deadline & $3,000 scholarship.

CBC Spouses Heineken USA Performing Arts Scholarship – April 29th deadline & 3,000 award.

CBC Spouses Education Scholarship – May 20th deadline & (12)-$5,000-$8,000 awards.

Some of the guidelines are:

  • You may apply to all of the above scholarships.
  • Must be US citizens.
  • There are awards for students pursuing a master’s, JD, PhD, etc.
  • December is when online applications are open to apply.

HBCU Connect African American Unclaimed College Scholarships

The HBCU Connect is an interesting African American targeted social network. It was started by two graduate students who started it in 1999 to just upload photos. Now it’s a full fledged platform for networking. Many professional, educational, and connection opportunities exist through this website who want to work with this social network of people.

To view their 121 PAGES of their easy scholarships, you must register as a member; but it’s free! There are hundreds of scholarships to apply to. A student can spend all their time on this website just applying and will never apply to all of them; that’s how much they got here.

When you talk about unclaimed scholarships, these are them. Easy for those who fit the guidelines, and for African American students.

Easy Scholarships for Teens from Scholarship for Teens from Clearasil

Most people know about Clearasil which is used for teen acne. It works pretty good too having used it for years myself when I was a teen. They offer a TEN $5,000 scholarships which seem to be easy to apply to.

Clearasil Unclaimed Scholarship Guidelines

  • Ages 13 years and older can participate.
  • Ten entries starting October 12th -23rd can be submitted – ten chances to win on each entry in all!
  • Applicants are to ask their teacher a Teacher Truth. (A Teacher Truth is a piece of teacher viewpoint, written in a sentence such as: “Teen acne ends. You know what doesn’t? __________”.
  • Legal residents can only apply.

Christophers Video Contest for College Students

Students can win $2,000 creating a video (5 minutes) which best describes the message of “The Christophers”; which is the belief that one person can make a difference.

The Christophers was created in 1945 by Father James Keller, M.M. who believed that each of us was given a special task in life here on earth which belongs to no one else but each one of us.

The Christophers can be summed up in one Chinese proverb: “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.”

Students who love the power of video will love to participate in this unclaimed scholarship program. For those who don’t; will also enjoy making this video. There are hundreds of ways to present this message if you are the creative type.

The Christophers Message Video Scholarships Guidelines

September 1st start submitting videos through December 15th deadline.

US students only.

Videos submitted using DVD’s only.

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