Twitter Scholarships are Fast and Easy

As social media becomes more and more prominent, Twitter has quickly become a household name and is now offering easy scholarships with their Twitter scholarships– Twitter definitely has a knack for electronic communication. Just how much might a Twitter scholarship be worth? More than you might think. $37,000, to be precise. The Twitter scholarship contest was initially designed by the University of Iowa and requires candidates to submit a tweet rather than the traditional scholarship essay. The tweet should be no more than 140 characters, which is the Twitter limit.
The University of Iowa is just the latest in a number of other schools that have attempted to help students build concise communication skills while also improving their social media skills. As today’s marketplace becomes more Twitter savvy, these are skills that are certainly in high demand.
(!/scholarships ) is the new Twitter scholarships heavyweight champion!
There is also a Twitter scholarships portal located at!/scholarships. This is an awesome new Twitter scholarships doorway to a whole lot of top scholarships which hand out many yearly awards. In fact, Google has given it a page rank #9 out of 10. has a page rank of 8, so this portal has a stronger page rank than MSN. Google’s page rank is a 9, so apparently Google seems to feel it’s the best in terms of what it provides! Page rank is what Google assigns websites as how much value it provides to its target audience and how popular it is. Google gauges this portal as being on par with themselves! WOW! This Twitter scholarship portal is a must see and follow for all students looking for scholarships first and foremost that’s for sure.
KFC fast and easy scholarships on Twitter
While you might not at first associate tweeting with fried chicken, Kentucky Fried Chicken has also gotten in on the act by offering the Colonel’s Scholars Twitter scholarship. The scholarship is worth $20,000 over a four-year period. Candidates are required to respond in a 140 character tweet to the question “Why do you deserve a $20,000 scholarship?” Last year, the competition garnered nearly 3,000 applications. The 2012 scholarship application process opens on December 1, 2011.
Fast easy Short and Tweet Scholarship has also started offering the Short and Tweet Scholarship. Applicants are required to summarize their college experience within a tweet. Winners receive a Kindle or $1000.
140 Tweeting scholarships
Along the same lines, has refused to be left out and has started the 140 Scholarship, a program that seeks tweets highlighting the best ways to utilize Twitter for improving the world. The winner of the scholarship receives $1,400.
Twitter scholarship student feedback
How are students responding to the move toward Twitter-based scholarships? The responses have been varied. While some students have found the Twitter scholarships to be unique, fun and interesting, other students have scorned the scholarships as being too trendy. Despite criticism the Twitter easy scholarships have received from some positive remarks, the University of Iowa maintains that scholarship application essays have become too routine, typical and were often highly edited. The goal of Twitter scholarships now seems to be bringing back the creativity that recent essays had often lacked. Students applying for the scholarships are encouraged to link their tweets to videos, their own blogs, Facebook pages or any other type of media that can help to demonstrate what makes them an exceptional candidate.
Free to Tweet scholarships on Twitter
The Free to Tweet scholarships is similar in that students are required to tweet in order to apply for the scholarship. This scholarship is sponsored by an affiliate of the Newseum, 1 for All. The scholarship has a $5,000 value and is open to students between the ages of 14 and 21. Candidates are asked to respond via Twitter regarding their support of the First Amendment. The deadline to apply for the Twitter scholarship is December 15, 2011. Tweets should also include links to original content on a social media platform or website where the student’s views are further explained. Like other Twitter scholarships, the goal of this program is not for the tweet to contain the essence of the application, but instead to guide judges to the student’s video, blog, essay, post, etc. There are 22 Twitter Free to Tweet scholarships to be awarded this year.
Cappex Twitter scholarships
Since 2009 has also offered a Twitter scholarship for prospective college students. The goal of the organization is to make the search for college simple by offering resources that allow students to compare various colleges and find the right fit for their individual needs. Throughout the year, Cappex offers a variety of different scholarships, now including a Twitter based scholarship. To qualify for the scholarship, applicants are required to compose a tweet that mentions the organization. The idea tweeting instead of spending hours of researching and writing a college scholarship application essay certainly seems to hold appeal for many students. For students who have grown weary of completing lengthy applications and churning out standard scholarship essays, Twitter based scholarships offer a unique and exciting way to fund their college education.
Why offer fast easy scholarships on Twitter?
There is great potential for these places holding their very own Twitter scholarships to spread the word about themselves and promote their services to many people very quickly in a matter of days and continuing over several weeks. It’s a very efficient use of their advertising dollars by awarding a fast and easy scholarship. it’s all business and it’s all good from both sides of the fence for the Twitter scholarships especially when the Twitter scholarship winners are announced. It’s easy to do and takes very little of your time tweeting to win scholarships!
I really think this is great!
thank you for the compliment!
They are great because anyone has an equal chance of winning and all can apply!
Are they still doing this on Twitter?
you can find many places sponsoring twitter type scholarships – in other words using twitter as a place to tweet about their scholarship programs. There are many places doing this more and more. There is also twitter scholarships which is a place that tweets on the many various college scholarships available today for college bound students..