Weird Scholarships for Girls

Weird Scholarships for Girls

There are some weird scholarships for girls out there! They are very interesting and unusual scholarships for girls who are looking for student aid. Plus, they usually don’t have nearly the same number of applicants as other scholarships. If you are a female looking for a creative way to earn money for college, then you definitely want to see if you qualify for any of these odd girl scholarships.

Many girls think being tall isn’t so great, and at times it can be embarrassing to tower over boys. However, the Tall Clubs International Scholarship can change their minds. This weird girl scholarship doesn’t require you to have a certain GPA. Instead, it is open to those that are over 5 foot, 10 inches. There is an essay requirement about what being tall means to the individual. The winning essay will be awarded a scholarship of $1,000. The applications are accepted from January 15th through April 15th.

To be fair though, many girls wish they were taller than they really are. The Little People of America Association offers an unusual scholarship for girls that are under 4 foot, 10 inches. You can also be the sibling of someone that is of short stature as well. The scholarship amounts vary from $250 to $1,000. Applications are taken from January 1st through April 1st.

There are numerous scholarships out there for girls that are outgoing, into sports, and more. What about those that don’t enjoy those types of activities? Among the weird scholarships for girls is the Gertrude J. Deppen Scholarship Fund. This is offered to girls that aren’t active but that also have made a pledge not to use drugs or alcohol. The applications are taken from December 30th through April 15th. There are five scholarships of $1,000 each offered. Many girls find applying for this unusual scholarship to be a great opportunity because they seldom get very many applications.

On the flip side of that though are weird scholarships for girls that excel at athletics and at being a good role model. The Body by Milk scholarship offers 25 unusual scholarships annually of $7,500 each. Along with the application, a photo of you with a milk mustache has to be included. Applications are taken from January 1st through May 31st with winners announced in June. Applicants need to show they excel in sports, they have lots of community involvement, and they have a high GPA.

Make it with Wool is one of the fun, weird scholarships for girls. It is offered by the American Sheep Industry Association. They offer a scholarship of $2,000 for the best sweater and $1,000 for second place. The judges look at the style of the sweater, the design, overall quality of the work, and creativity. All sweaters must be submitted by January 1st. Winners are announced in late February.

Seeing double or triple can be more common on college campuses than before. Many schools offer twin or triplet girls half price tuition for the second and third individual. However, both or all three have to agree to attend the same college to qualify for such a weird scholarship for girls. If you fall into this category, you should start talking to your siblings and finding out which schools offer such unusual scholarships for girls you can all benefit from.

Perhaps one of the most well known of all weird scholarships for girls happens to be the Duck Brand Duct Tape Scholarship contest. It is held each spring, around the time of prom for most high schools. The applicants have to create a formal dress out of duct tape. First prize is $2,500, second prize is $1,000, and 3rd prize is $500.

The American Fire Sprinkler Association has a drawing where you read the Fire Sprinkler Essay on the AFSA scholarship website and then take their test. There are multiple questions and a open book test. For each one answered correct, you get to deposit into a drawing up to ten entries. These are fun because it’s the luck of the draw.

Glamour has a scholarship for girls which is weird in a way because they are all about fashion and not education. Nevertheless, you must be a junior in college located in the US or Canada. The awards are very good which includes a first place $20,000 scholarship towards your tuition and there are nine $3,000 scholarship awards. Kudos to Glamour for their weird scholarships for girls!

AARP also has what I would classify as strange scholarships for girls too because AARP is all about programs for senior citizens such as how to get the best deal for your burial plot and/or best nursing homes to consider and so forth. In other words, end of the road programs and not beginning of the road educational assistance for going back to college – but they do! Only consider AARP scholarships if you’re 40 or older.

If your a Mom you may have access to many unusual scholarships. There are Mom scholarships available that may be considered on the odd scholarships for girls side of the fence. There are programs most girls haven’t really heard about but are well worth looking into simply because they are specifically geared towards Moms going back to school. Strange financial aid is the same as normal aid – green.

These weird scholarships for girls continue to grow all the time. Make sure you check out the details and requirements so that you don’t overlook any part of what you need to provide. Getting money for college with one of these scholarships will also make a very interesting story to tell!

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7 Replies to “Weird Scholarships for Girls”

  1. Monica Ramirez

    Please email me regarding more scholarships. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, need help paying for school. Thank You!!!

  2. admin


    you must go directly to the scholarship sponsors website to apply to any scholarship and if you have questions there direct them to the sponsor via their contact webpage.

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